Information on payment options

At the moment you have the following options to pay reservations made through Belavia Website:

  1. Online payment with Visa credit card or MasterCard credit card are available worldwide.
  2. Offline payment can be made inside ticketing time-limit period in Belavia offices worldwide
  3. Belarusian residents can make payment through the "Raschet" system of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus, by means of which you can pay for the air tickets booked on this web-site, practically from every city of the Republic of Belarus. For more information about the "Raschet" system please visit the following web-site:, and for searching the nearest payments acceptance outlets you can use the following catalogue:
  4. One more method of air tickets payment is the electronic money WebMoney and EasyPay on the web- sites and

For the WebMoney (WMB) payment enter order number on the web-site in the section “Belavia- Air tickets payment” that was received during reservation on the web- site of Belavia and according to the WebMoney service instructions make the payment.

For EasyPay payment click the link, in the catalogue of goods and services choose “Belavia- Air tickets payment”, enter the e-wallet number, password and according to the EasyPay service instructions make the payment.

More information on payment with WebMoney and EasyPay through the system "Raschet" and with receiving of your e-ticket itinerary/receipt following the link: /info/pay_offline/