
28 May 2015


The name of the customer, being the organizer of purchases: “Belavia – Belarusian Airlines”.
Customer location: 220004, 14A, Nemiga St., Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
Type of the procurement procedure: Competitive negotiations.
Subject of procurement: Upgrade of the TCAS software to version 7.1 in respect to Boeing 737-300/-500 aircraft equipped with ACSS processors.
The source of procurement financing: Own funds of the airline company.
Place and terms of service: The aircraft modification shall be carried out at the Belavia facilities in National Airport “Minsk” till Sep 01, 2015.
Responsible persons: Engineering Department Lead Engineer Pavel Yacheiko. E-mail address: Pavel.Yacheiko@belavia.by.
The method of obtaining of the procurement documentation: Documentation is provided by potential participants:
  • by e-mail i.a.w. application for the bid documentation provision which is completed on the letterhead in free form and which is signed by person who has appropriate authority;
  • within two (2) working days from the date of application receipt;
  • e-mail address shall be address assigned for documentation provision (when address is specified the documentation is not provided). Provision of bid documentation is not charged.
Requirements to the participants: Any legal entity or individual entrepreneur can take part in bid participate.
Final date and place for submitting of proposals: Till 3 p.m. (in Minsk) Jun 15, 2015 at the location of the customer.
Date and place of opening of proposals: Till 4 p.m. (in Minsk) Jun 16, 2015 at the location of the customer.