
10 July 2015


The name of the customer, being the organizer of purchases: “Belavia – Belarusian Airlines” ("Belavia").
Legal Address: 220004, 14, Nemiga St., Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
Postal Address: 220004, 14A, Nemiga St., Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
Executives in Charge: Engineering Department Deputy Manager Dmitry Shcherbunov:
Postal Address: 14A Nemiga St., 220004 Minsk, Republic of Belarus
Email: mro.soft@belavia.by.
Type of Purchasing Procedure: Tender.
Source of Purchase Financing: Own funds of the airline company.
Subject of procurement: The subject of purchase shall be acquisition and implementation of the automated system for continued airworthiness, maintenance and repair of aircrafts in accordance with the requirements.
Method of Obtaining Tender Documents: Tender Documents shall be provided to the potential Bidders as follows:
  • by e-mail i.a.w. application for the bid documentation provision which is completed on the letterhead in free form and which is signed by person who has appropriate authority;
  • within two (2) working days from the date of application receipt;
  • e-mail address shall be address assigned for documentation provision (when address is specified the documentation is not provided). Provision of bid documentation is not charged.
Requirements to the Structure of the Bidders: Any legal entity or individual entrepreneur can take part in bid participate.
Place and Date of Supply: In accordance with the Tender Documents.
Final date and place for submitting of proposals: Until 3 p.m. (Minsk time) of August 14, 2015 at the location of the Customer .
Date and place of opening of proposals: At 12 a.m. (Minsk time) of August 17, 2015 at the location of the Customer.

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