Belavia news

09 December 2021

Almaty-Minsk flight December 9

On December 09, 2021 during the flight of Belavia Belarusian Airline, departed at 5.10 am according to the schedule from Almaty, during the climbing, one of the passengers lost consciousness.

The cabin crew acted in accordance with the instructions; a doctor flew as a passenger on the flight. After providing first aid, due to recommendations of a doctor, the crew took a decision to return to the airport of Almaty, where the passenger was handed over to health care providers. The delay in arriving at Minsk National Airport was 1 hour 57 minutes.

According to information available at the airline, the passenger feels satisfactory and is planning to flight to Minsk on the next flight.

Belavia sincerely apologizes for the flight delay and wishes the passenger health. Take care of yourself!